

AVS now associated with BEML

BEML, a main producer of military gear in India serves the Indian armed force and other resistance

powers. It fabricates variations of Tatra vehicles utilized for development, mining, protection, and


As an Indian open division undertaking, it has a wide scope of hard core vehicles and gear intended

for particular purposes. Numerous organizations are related with BEML India that is immediate

providers of engine vehicles.

Being one of the significant associations serving the protection administrations, BEML supplies ground

bolster vehicles helping to the Integrated Guided Missile Development Project.

Also, BEML has wandered into the aeronautic trade seeing the development openings in the

neighborhood and worldwide markets. With items like Aircraft Towing Tractor (ATT), Aircraft Weapon

Loading Trolley, Multi-Purpose Weapon Loader (MPWL Bheema), and Crash Fire Tender (CFT), the

association has propelled an aviation fabricating division.

AVS International Pvt. Ltd. is a prestigious name in the business for assembling and providing

uncompromising vehicles. It fabricates a wide scope of earthmoving hardware for mining,

development, transportation, water system, and force.

The organization is presently legitimately connected with the Indian open division undertaking BEML.

AVS International is a believed provider of hard core machines and vehicles to BEML and this

affiliation has profited both the organizations in expanding their image esteem.

This has additionally assisted AVS International with gaining expected customers inside the nation in

various areas like guard, salvage, railroad, and aviation. The organization has just wandered into

various fields like the assembling of wellbeing shoes and gear, particular footwear, uncompromising

vehicles, advanced advertising, and security administrations.

Additionally, it has made its space in the worldwide market and has won a few awards for the

equivalent. Among which winning the EEPC grant multiple times in the engine vehicles class as an

exporter of the year has expanded the organization's fairly estimated worth.

A hard core truck that has made AVS stand apart from different producers in the nation is Tatra truck,

utilized by the resistance administrations. AVS International is the main maker of this truck in India.

AVS’ Tatra Truck speciality-

It is a territory vehicle with high versatility utilized for GS jobs in the Indian Army. Also, it transports
armed force staff and can convey payloads of around 10,500 kgs. It has a tire swelling framework that
empowers the expansion/collapse of tires relying upon the state of the territory.

AVS and BEML clientele

Ministry of Defence (Indian Army, Navy, Air Force)

  • Indian Railways

  • Vehicle Research & Development Establishment (VRDE), Ahmednagar

  • Combat Vehicle Research & Development Establishment (CVRDE), Chennai

  • Electronics and Radar Development Establishment (LRDE), Bangalore

  • Research & Development Establishment (Engineers) (R&DE(E)), Pune

  • Heavy Vehicles Factory, Avadi

  • Gun Carriage Factory, Jabalpur

  • Ordnance Factory, Medak

  • Aeronautical Development Agency, Bangalore


1. Loader

It is a region vehicle with high adaptability used for GS occupations in the Indian Army. Additionally, it transports equipped power staff and can pass on payloads of around 10,500 kgs. It has a tire expanding structure that engages the development/breakdown of tires depending upon the condition of the region.

2. Crane

Crane is likewise a hard core truck, utilized in transportation for stacking and emptying of materials,
in development for moving of materials starting with one spot then onto the next and in assembling
for collecting of substantial machines. It comprises of bundles and wire ropes utilized for lifting and
moving of materials.

3. Bulldozer

It is a kind of farm hauler utilized for moving or pushing materials like sand or soil in a huge amount.
A piece of machinery comprises of two apparatuses to be specific a ripper and a cutting edge.
Ripper is joined to the rear of the piece of machinery and is a paw like gadget used to break rough
surfaces into little conundrums. While, a sharp edge is a substantial metal plate used to push
materials starting with one spot then onto the next.

4. Dump Truck

A dump truck is utilized for taking dumps of sand or destruction squanders for development purposes.
It is otherwise called a tipper truck or tip-trailer that contains water powered rams to inspire the front
part of the open bed box of the truck.

1. Haul Trucks

These are uncommonly structured unbending dump trucks for high creation mining. It takes or moves
dumps of materials like sand or rock to make the way. It is additionally utilized for taking development
hardware from place of work to place of work. Take truck limit ranges from 40 short tons to 496 short

2. Excavator

These are otherwise called diggers and are utilized for burrowing channels, development, mining,
ranger service work, and destruction. It comprises of a blast, scoop, pail, and a taxi that pivots on a
stage. An excavator utilizes pressure driven engines, chambers, and liquid for playing out different

Defence and rescue

1. Crash Fire Tender

It is a kind of hard core truck extraordinarily intended for airplane salvage and firefighting at military airbases. They comprise of high limit siphons and water guns, which assists with managing discharge over significant distances.

2. Heavy Recovery Vehicle

These are utilized to recoup slowed down, covered, or toppled vehicles of the resistance powers.
Overwhelming recuperation vehicles are fit for working in various landscapes including desert,
rough and muddy grounds just as uneven territories.

3. Tatra Trucks

One of the claims to fame of AVS International, it is a territory vehicle with high versatility utilized
for GS jobs in the Indian Army. Moreover, it transports armed force faculty and can convey
payloads of around 10,500 kgs. It has a tire swelling framework that empowers the expansion
flattening of tires relying upon the state of the territory.

4. Aircraft Refuellers

These are utilized for moving avionics fuel into the military airplane. Likewise, they offer over wing and under wing refueling alongside operational control on the driver's side. They are intended for both right-hand and left-hand traffic and are collected on a three-hub truck frame.

AVS International an emerging

market player in the global

vehicle industry

With the quick increment in industrialization and organizations moving to web based business

and online stages, the substantial vehicles industry is good to go to develop in the coming years.

.It is likewise assessed that this industry will enlist a CAGR of 4.5% during 2020-2025, which is

uplifting news for the exporters. Regardless of intense rivalry in the market, organizations like

AVS are rising out as significant market players.

AVS International has additionally established a precedent of providing 104 fire tenders to Ghana and has tie-ups with the African government. Other than this, the organization is offering a flexible scope of overwhelming hardware in relationship with BEML that additionally incorporates Compactors, Motor Graders, Pipe Layers, Tire Handlers, Water Sprinklers, and Backhoe Loaders.
